Samstag, 28. Juni 2014

Funny story.

Today I was heading to the university and half of my way, a cute American told me that he doesn't know where he is, where he has to go, but he really needs help.
I was a little bit confused because I really had to get this class but I just couldn't let him stay there, completely lost!
So I just took him and quickly ran with him to my flat, where my boyfriend was just waking up. Together with the American, he found out, where he had to go and the American told him that he is from Nebraska and that he was driving with the train THE WHOLE NIGHT to get to the town he was staying. He finally decided to WALK there (it wasn't that long to walk), because he really had enough of taking the train :D
Sorry for my bad english, I just don't know how to write better and today I noticed again, that I lost a lot of my South African English skills :(

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